Operation Manual

Dynamic EQ 141
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Item Element Function
1 MODE button Selects the routing configuration. Audio routing
paths are illustrated by item 18.
2 Band selection
Shows the selected routing configuration mode.
3 Limit curve Shows the minimum cut/maximum boost EQ
response for the selected band.
4 Dynamic curve Shows the real time dynamic EQ response curve.
This curve will vary between flat (no EQ) and the
outer curve (full EQ) depending on the signal level,
ratio and threshold settings.
5 IN button and LED
Switches the individual band on/off.
6 comp/exp meter Shows the current cut/boost of the selected EQ band.
7 LSN button and
LED indicator
Sidechain listen button that routes the bandpass
filtered sidechain signal to the unit output.
8 EQ type Selects the type of equaliser (shown in item 9) from
Bell, Low Shelf, High Shelf and Full Band.
9 Name field Shows the currently selected EQ type.
10 WIDTH control
Sets the bandwidth of the EQ band and sidechain
filter for the selected band.
11 FIXED button and
LED indicator
Forces selected band to use a fixed EQ gain, so that
when it is enabled it behaves as a static EQ. This is
useful for previewing the effect of the EQ curve.
12 RATIO control
Sets the ratio of the compression or expansion
applied to the selected band. The centre position
produces a ratio of 1:1, which will have no effect. As
the control is turned anti-clockwise, more
compression is applied, up to a ratio of 25:1. If the
control is turned clockwise from the centre position,
expansion is gradually applied up to the ratio of 1:25.
13 FAST REL. button
and LED indicator
Enables fast envelope release setting.
14 FREQ control knob Sets the centre frequency of the selected EQ band.
15 BELOW button
and LED indicator
Sets whether the compressor/expander operates
above (off) or below (on) the threshold (see
Figure 10 “Transfer characteristics” on page 142).
control knob
Sets the threshold level.
17 Meter Shows the level of the sidechain signal relative to the
threshold setting, that is, it shows the signal level
within the frequency region selected by the frequency
(FREQ) and width (WIDTH) controls.
18 Band I/O Shows the audio routing path between inputs,
outputs and the four EQ bands.