Operation Manual

Controlling an internal effect/GEQ 157
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Controlling an internal effect/GEQ
As the internal effects and GEQs of the PRO2 are primarily GUI-only features, control
surface support is provided by the assignable controls section, which lets you operate
their parameters using physical controls.
With an internal rack unit selected on the GUI, a specific set of its parameter controls
will be automatically assigned to the assignable controls section. To encompass all of
the rack unit’s parameter controls they are bundled into predetermined sets — known
as ‘pages’ for effects and ‘groups’ for GEQs — which are navigated using the arrow
buttons (control surface or GUI).
About the assignable controls panel on the GUI
The assignable controls panel is displayed at the bottom of the effect/GEQ window.
In addition to replicating the assignable controls section on the control surface, it
displays additional information, such as button and control knob assignments, current
‘page’ number, etc.
The following diagram explains the elements of the assignable controls panel. It
uses the one for the effects as an example, but this also applies to the GEQs.
Item Description
1 For the effects only, this shows which ‘page’ of parameters is currently
assigned and is in the format [page number]/[total number of pages]. For
example, the diagram above is displaying page 1 of a total of 2 pages.
2 Single set of controls (button and control knob).
3 Control button.
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