Operation Manual

PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Chapter 21: Scope (Automation)
This chapter shows you how to use the scope feature of PRO2 automation to
include/exclude specific parameters on scene store/recall.
Although scope has two functions, recall and store, the emphasis in this chapter is on
recall scope, which will be the most commonly used of them both. Store scope will only
be required in certain circumstances, and even then it must only be used with caution
(see “Using store scope” on page 183).
About scope
Scope lets you define the extent of the automated controls for all channels, buses,
groups, assignable effects and GEQs. To do this it has a Recall Scope screen from
which you can select the controls that are excluded from the scene when it is recalled
and you can also view the current scope status.
About the Recall Scope screen
The Recall Scope screen has a number of type-specific areas, such as Input
Channels, Aux Sends, VCAs and Graphic EQs, which contain user-selectable
parameter sections that you can make ‘out of scene’ on scene recall.
Elements of the PRO2 Recall Scope screen
Item Element Description
1 SINGLE button Scope function button for selecting single parameter
sections on the scope screen.
TYPE button
Scope function button for selecting the same
parameter section in all channels of a single type on
the scope screen.
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