Operation Manual

Zones 219
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Figure 20: Latency for input to aux, master and matrix outputs
The PRO2 system can be divided into conceptual ‘zones’, as follows:
System Input Zone: DL251 Audio System I/O or surface analogue/AES3 inputs,
which are normally routed to Input channels. These inputs are primary system
inputs and the console output latency is measured relative to these inputs.
Mix Zone: Aux outputs, return inputs and master/matrix direct inputs, which can be
freely patched to and from internal or external effects, while maintaining output
signal alignment.
Output Zone: System outputs, that is, master and matrix outputs when Monitor
Mode (Align with Masters) compensation is switched off, or aux, master and
matrix outputs when Monitor Mode (Align with Masters) compensation is
switched on.
Aux direct inputs are fixed to the System Input Zone so that DL251/DL431/DL451
inputs routed to an aux direct input will automatically line up with inputs routed to
auxes via input channels.
Return inputs and master and matrix direct inputs can be configured to operate in
either the System Input Zone (for example, as additional console inputs) or the Mix
Zone (for example, as effect returns) and are configurable on a per channel basis.
Examples of patches using the Mix Zone that are all fully compensated when the Send-
FX-Return option of the Aux Sends section of the delay compensation is switched on
Aux -> Internal/External Effect -> Return
Aux -> Internal/External Effect -> Master Direct Input
Aux -> Internal/External Effect -> Matrix Direct Input
Aux with Insert -> Internal/External Effect -> Return
Input channel direct outputs are simply a copy of the input channel output or mic input
signal, depending on the direct output mode for a particular channel. It is not possible
to delay these signals to line-up with the main system outputs or aux outputs, so
patching from a direct output to an effect and back in to a return, master direct input
etc., cannot be fully compensated for.
Input Channel Master Channel
Matrix Channel
Aux Bus Alignment = OFF, all other compensation = OFF
Input to Aux, Master & Matrix
Output Latency = 1.84 ms
Aux Send
Monitor Mode = ON, all other compensation = OFF
Input to Aux, Master & Matrix
Output Latency = 1.79 ms