Operation Manual

244 Chapter 30: Input Channels
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Each input channel has six
different safes that protect specific
controls/areas from the
automation system.
You can switch the safes on/off by
using the buttons in the channel
safes section of the channel strips
or via those in the input channel
safes section on the GUI, which
also illuminate when they are on.
For more information on what
areas are protected by each safe,
see Appendix H "Parameters
Protected By Safes" on page 385.
Mic amp input gain (preliminary input processing)
There are two types of mic input channel controls: digital and remote. Most of the
controls are digital, which directly affect the parameters stored within the DSP.
However, a few controls can also be thought of as remote controls, which control the
physical components of the mic splitters and even components that are in the signal
path before it enters the digital domain.
The remote controls are dependent on the types of devices connected to the PRO2. For
example, the analogue input module (DL441) has a 48V phantom voltage button and a
gain control. The controls are adjusted via the device’s configuration window (see
“Configuring the devices” on page 60).
By default, console digital trim is adjusted by the gain trim control knob in each input
fast strip and the remote gain control is adjusted by the stage box control knob in the
input channel strip. However, by pressing the gain swap button these functions are
swapped over, so that the gain trim control knob now controls the remote gain, and the
stage box control knob controls the digital trim. Pressing gain swap again reverts them
to default. As the legends of these two control knobs on the control surface are
permanently fixed, their current ‘swap’ status can only be determined by the
illumination of the SWAP button and what is shown for these controls on the GUI.