Operation Manual

Dynamics (D zone) 249
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Dynamics (D zone)
The dynamic section — or D zone — controls two dynamic devices present in the input
channel signal path, that is, the compressor and gate. While most D zone controls are
shared between the two dynamic devices, some are device-specific. The GUI treats
both devices independently, the detail area of the one currently displayed in the
channel strip being the one currently selected to the D zone. Swapping between the
two dynamic devices can be done by clicking in the compressor/gate areas of an input
fast strip, by pressing the input or gate quick access buttons, or the up/down select
buttons in the D zone itself when the input channel strip is in use.
Activating the dynamic device’s ON button activates the device, but also affects the
By default the source for the compressor's sidechain and gate's key (sidechain) is the
channel itself, but by pressing or clicking on the menu button in the dynamics detail
area you are taken to the patching page where you can choose another source for these
inputs. For side chain details, see “Side chain” on page 255.
6 Direct output
drop-down list
Displays the destination(s) of the direct output. For
example, to an O/B vehicle, while simultaneously
going into a DN9696.
7 MODE button Changes the source tap-off point for the signal.
There are three options: post-fader and mute;
pre-mute and post-processing; or pre-mute and
pre-processing. This function is not used if the direct
output is not unassigned to channel.
8 11-LED meter, Monitors the direct output level in the range +18dB to
9 Control knob Adjusts direct output level. Range is infinity () to
Item Description Function