Operation Manual

256 Chapter 30: Input Channels
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
For details of how to select a side chain pick-off point, see “Side chain” on page 255.
Input channel insert section provides a send and return out of the signal path, primarily
so that an effects device can be added to the signal’s processing. The send destination
and return source may only be set from the GUI screen, although the INS switch can
be found on both the GUI and also in each input fast strip. This section is optional and
assigned on a channel-by-channel basis.
4 MENU button, opens the Select Side-Chain Source window from which
you can select the side chain source for the selected input channel (see
“Side chain” on page 255). Pressing this button with the Select Side-
Chain Source window open, closes the window.
5 LISTEN/[LSTN] switch, places the side chain pushbutton onto the channel
filter bus, allowing the audio signal to be monitored via headphones. This
effectively replaces the channel solo audio path with a post-filter
(pre-dynamic) signal.
6 Graph, shows the effects of the side chain filter on the signal.
7 Side chain source field, shows you where the side chain of the compressor/
gate is sourced from. If you see the text “internal” here, it means that the
source is from the channel itself.
Item Description
1 dest button opens the Patching screen from where you can select the
destination of the insert send.
2 source button opens the Patching screen from where you can select the
source of the insert return.
3 INS switch, connects (inserts) returned programme material to the channel
signal path, provided both the insert send and insert return points have
been assigned.
Item Description