Operation Manual

Mixes 259
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Each input channel can send an individually controllable contribution to each of the 16
aux buses (aux sends) and eight matrix buses (mtx sends). The contributions to the
buses are controlled by mix controls that give continuous adjustment (in the range
+6dB to off). The controls in the mix fader bay include level/pan and level control
knobs, with the pan control coming into operation when the corresponding bus is stereo
linked to its neighbour.
The mix section in the channel detail area controls a bank of eight buses per selected
input channel and this layout is replicated in the GUI channel strip.
Item Description
1 After a input channel has been selected to the channel strip, level/pan and
level control knobs offer control of relative contribution levels onto the
active buses. level/pan operates odd numbered controls, while level
operates the even ones.
2 ON switches, switch bus assignment on/off.
3 PRE buttons; when on, signal is pre-fader.