Operation Manual

260 Chapter 30: Input Channels
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
However, the GUI’s input channel overview gives a simultaneous
display of the status of all 24 buses. It displays the levels sent to the
buses and shows which are on/off and whether they are pre- or post-
Don’t forget, you can edit the levels on the GUI using drag.
Mix busses can operate in one of three modes and each mix bus can optionally be
stereo linked to the bus next to it. So, depending on the set up, some of the mix bus
controls change their function and some might not be available. In each of the modes
the following controls are available:
Bus type Control
Mono mix level control knob and ON and PRE buttons. Also, if
PRE is not enabled, the level sent to the mix bus is
affected by the main fader control.
Stereo mix level control knob, level/pan control knob (level
control knob for the odd numbered bus) and ON and
PRE buttons. Also, if PRE is not enabled, the level
sent to each side of the stereo bus is affected by the
main fader and pan controls.
Mono group ON button only. The level sent to the group bus is
controlled by the main fader control.
Stereo group ON button only. The level sent to each side of the
stereo bus is controlled by the main fader and pan
Mono mix minus ON button only, which is labelled minus on the GUI
fast inputs and channel strip overview. The level sent
to the bus is controlled by the main fader control.
This switch works the opposite way round to normal,
and when it is on the audio is not sent to the bus.
Stereo mix minus ON button only, which is labelled minus on the GUI
fast inputs and channel strip overview. The level sent
to the side of the stereo bus is controlled by the main
fader and pan controls. This switch works the
opposite way round to normal, and when it is on the
audio is not sent to the bus.