Operation Manual

PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Appendix F: Parameters Affected By
This appendix shows the parameters that are affected by scope.
Note: The parameter areas for the scopes (store and recall) and the safes are basically
the same. However, the way they are presented in their respective appendix is
different. This may provide you with a useful alternative when referring to this
material, should you prefer one more than the other (see Appendix H "Parameters
Protected By Safes" on page 385).
This appendix shows you which parameters are or are not scoped when you select the
parameter sections in the channels, buses, groups, effects and GEQs on the Store
Scope and Recall Scope screens.
There is a section for each area (channel, bus, group, effect and GEQ) on the scope
screen, and these sections are then subdivided according to the detail areas in the
fast/channel strips on the control surface and GUI.
The following diagram shows the Store Scope and Recall Scope screens (with no
parameter sections selected), and the table to the right shows what the symbols in
each section mean. In the table the orange letters in the Ref. column are used in the
tables throughout this appendix to quickly identify the parameter sections.
section Symbol
A Routing
B All
C Mic Amp
E Dyn
F Busses
G Mute
H Fader