Operation Manual

416 Appendix H: Parameters Protected By Safes
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
MIC safe
The following diagram details the parameters in the matrices protected by MIC safe,
and shows the configuration detail area in the GUI channel strip.
6 freq. control knob Compressor sidechain frequency
7 WIDTH pushbutton Compressor sidechain width selector: 2 Oct, 1 Oct
and 0.3 Oct
8 ratio control knob Compressor ratio
9 attack control knob Compressor attack
10 MODE pushbutton Compressor mode selector — corrective, adaptive,
creative, vintage or shimmer
11 make up control
Compressor gain
Item Control Parameter
1 level control knob Direct input level
2 MODE/[PRE] switch Direct input pre- in/out
3 INS switch Insert in/out
Item Control Parameter