Operation Manual

36 Chapter 5: Before You Start
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Saving a show versus storing a scene
It is important to understand the differences between saving a show and storing a
Storing a scene saves the current settings of the system to the show file. Scene
data is never updated to the show file unless you manually store a scene. The show
file remains unsaved in RAM after storing a scene.
Although the state of the control centre is copied every five seconds, it is not stored
in a scene. Instead, it is placed in the NVRAM (non-volatile random access memory)
of the control centre’s memory, which is a type of RAM that doesn't lose its data
when the power goes off. If the control centre loses power accidentally, these
settings are loaded so that audio parameters are identical, thus avoiding audio level
jumps. When power is lost, the showfile loaded (if any) will not
subsequently be restored, and any unsaved changes to it will be lost.
Saving a show copies the show file onto the internal solid-state disk of the PRO2.
This provides you with a ‘permanent’ copy, provided you shut down the system
properly as detailed in the following section.
Shutting down the PRO2 Live Audio System properly
When switching off the PRO2 Control Centre, we recommend that you use the shutdown
option of the GUI menu (see “To switch off the PRO2 Control Centre” on page 31).
By using shutdown, the cached copy of the show data, which is maintained by the
system, is automatically stored. Shutdown then uses the current showfile, NVRAM data
and cache files to restore the PRO2 Control Centre to exactly the same state as at
power down; even to the point of loading the unsaved show and placing you at the
correct scene, with non-stored scene data at the control surface.
If you don’t use the Shutdown option the audio parameters are still restored, but the
show and show status (saved/unsaved) cannot be restored automatically. You must
manually reload the show and any unsaved changes will be lost.