Operation Manual

Glossary 554
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Bay: One of the five main control centre
modules, which contains a control surface and a
GUI screen.
Bus: A pathway down which one or more signals
can travel.
Cat 5e: A specification for a type of cable used
typically for Ethernet computer networks.
Channel: Single path taken by an audio signal
(input or output) through the control centre.
Channel strip: Row of controls in traditional
analogue layout used for the shaping of a signal.
Checkpoint: A patching data store point,
created by clicking CHECKPOINT. See
Click: A method of GUI operation, mainly for
button operation and selection purposes.
CMR: Abbreviation for “common mode
rejection”. A measure of how well a differential
amplifier rejects a signal that appears
simultaneously and in-phase at both input
terminals. CMR is usually stated as a dB ratio at
a given frequency.
Comb filtering: Removal of signal components
at a number of regularly spaced frequencies.
Compressor: A dynamics processor that
reduces the level of any signal exceeding a
specified threshold volume.
Condenser microphone: A high quality mic
that uses a capacitor to detect changes in the
ambient air pressure, which it then converts into
an electrical signal. This type of mic requires
power from a battery or external source.
Control centre: The console of the PRO2,
comprising control surface and GUI.
Control surface: Area on the control centre
that houses all of the user’s hardware controls,
such as pushbuttons, control knobs, switches
Crossfade: To combine signals such that one
channel or source fades out while another fades
in, but maintaining an essentially constant
programme volume. Also known as “X-fade” or
Cursor: Generally, used to describe the
“I”-shaped pointer on the GUI that indicates a
text insertion point. See Pointer.
D zone: Section in the input channel strip for
controlling dynamic parameters.
D/A: Abbreviation for “digital to analogue”. The
conversion of digital data to analogue audio.
DARS: Abbreviation for “digital audio reference
Dashboard: A standard GUI screen display -
usually on the output bay - that shows all
channel meters (inputs, auxes, returns, masters
etc.) all of the time.
dB: Symbol for “decibel”. A unit of
measurement of the loudness of sound. See
dBu: A unit of measurement of sound used in
professional audio. Derived from the decibel,
where the “u” stands for unloaded, this unit is
an RMS measurement of voltage based on
, which is the voltage at which you
get 1mV of power in a 600 ohm resistor. This
used to be the standard impedance in most
professional audio circuits.
DC: Abbreviation for “direct current”.
Delay: An effect by which a reproduction of a
signal is played back later then its original.
Destination: In patching, the patch connector
to which a signal is routed. See Patching.
Detail area: a control section in the channel
Device: A diagram(s) on the I/O tabs (GUI
patching) representing a physical rack unit, such
as a line I/O, mic splitter, DN9696, AES50 etc.
See Patching.
DHCP: Abbreviation for “dynamic host
configuration protocol”. A network configuration
protocol for IP network hosts.
DI: Abbreviation for “direct inject” or “direct
injection”. Signal is plugged directly into the
audio chain without using a microphone.
DI box: Device for matching the signal level
impedance of a source to mixer input.
Divergence: The spreading of sound waves
from a source in a free field environment, that
is, one with no reflections. Causes the sound
pressure levels in the far field of the source to
decrease as the distance from it increases.
Drag: A method of GUI operation, mainly for
control adjustment. Also used for selecting
blocks of patch connectors during patching.
DSP: Abbreviation for “digital signal processing”
or “digital signal processor”. Any signal