Operation Manual

Glossary 557
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Mono: A single signal.
Mute: Function that allows a channel’s signal to
be silenced.
Mute safe: Function that means a mute cannot
be controlled by scene recall or auto-mutes.
N/A: Abbreviation for “not applicable”.
Navigation: The act of directing channels or
buses to the control surface for selection,
mixing, processing etc.
Navigation zone: Area on the control surface
concerning navigation.
nm: Symbol for nanometre (one billionth of a
Normalisation: An automatic process whereby
the gain of all program material is adjusted so
that the peak level will just arrive at 0dB.
Normalise: To boost the amplitude of a digital
sound so that it is as high as it can be without
clipping (0dB).
Normalised connection: Also known as
“normalled connection”. A connection that
allows a signal to pass through it when no plug
is inserted in it, but breaks the connection when
a plug is inserted.
Normalising: The process of making audio files
the same volume.
NVRAM: Abbreviation for “Non-volatile random
access memory”. this is the general name used
to describe any type of RAM that retains its
information when power is switched off. For
example, flash memory.
O/B: Abbreviation for “outside broadcast”.
Oct: Abbreviation for “octave”.
Octave: A difference in pitch where one tone
has a frequency that is double or half of the
frequency of another tone.
ohm (Ω): Unit of electrical resistance.
OpticalCon®: A cable connector for fibre optic
OS: Abbreviation for “operating system”.
OSC: Abbreviation for “oscillator” or
Out of phase: 1. A signal, being similar to
another in amplitude, frequency and wave
shape, but offset in time by part of a cycle.
2. 180° out of phase or having opposite polarity.
See Phase.
Outboard: External, as in an “external device”.
Outboard equipment: External equipment
used with the DL251/DL252 Audio System I/O,
but that is not part of it.
Output: 1. The signal put out by a device.
2. The physical location of where a device sends
out a signal. 3. Concerning the output bay on
the PRO2 control surface.
Overload: A condition where the signal level is
too high.
Pan: To move from one side to another or up
and down.
Panning: The left/right positioning of a signal
across a stereo image.
Parameter: A setting whose value can be
altered by the user.
Parametric EQ: A type of EQ that allows all of
the parameters of equalisation to be changed,
including centre frequency, boost/cut in gain,
and bandwidth.
Patch: A temporary connection (physical or
virtual) made between two audio devices or
inside one.
Patch connector: Any tab patching point, for
example, an XLR connector, bus, sidechain
compressor etc. See Patching.
Patching: Also known as “soft patching”. The
process of routing a channel/signal from a
source to a destination(s).
PCB: Abbreviation for “printed circuit board”.
PEQ: Abbreviation for “parametric equaliser”.
See Parametric.
PFL: Abbreviation for “pre-fade listen”. A
function that allows the signal to be monitored
pre-fader, that is, before it reaches the fader.
Phantom power: The power required for the
operation of a condenser microphone when it is
not supplied by internal batteries or a separate
power supply. This is supplied by the DL251/
DL252 Audio System I/O itself.
Phase: A measurement (in degrees) of the time
difference between two waveforms.
Pitch: A continuous frequency over time.
Musical interpretation of an audio frequency.
Pitch shift: Alteration of pitch or frequency, but
without adjusting tempo.