Operation Manual

Configuring the devices 61
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
About the configuration window
The configuration window, which has a similar format for each device, comprises eight
channel panels and drop-down lists for channel range/card selection. A typical Line I/O
configuration window is used in the following diagram to show the elements that are
common to each device.
>> To open the configuration window of a device
Click the device’s spanner button (upper right corner of device).
>> To set up/change the configuration of a device
1 In the device configuration
window, choose the device from
the drop-down list. For
example, the FOH line I/O device
(ID11) connected to port 2.
2 From the drop-down list at the
upper-right corner of the
window, choose the
card/channel. For example, the “AES/EBU Card”.
Item Description
1 Device ID field, contains the device type and number.
2 Device drop-down list, for device selection. (Diagram shows the drop-down
list selected.)
3 Channel range/card selection list.
4 OK button, saves the changes and closes the configuration window.
5 Channel panel, contains device-specific controls and graphics.