Operation Manual

70 Chapter 9: Basic Operation
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
3 Adjust the gain trim control knob to set the stage box input gain. Range is
shown on the GUI.
Adjust level to suit the Midas pre-amp characteristic; a suitable level could be one
that only just illuminates the yellow LEDs. Drive the mic amps for that ‘Midas
colouration’ — feel free to overdrive if you want.
4 After you have achieved the required gain state, press the SWAP button again to
swap back to console digital trim.
5 Adjust the gain trim control knob to set the console digital trim (gives +20dB to
-40dB continuous trim) for preferred gain structure.
6 Set analogue remotes for initial set-up, then adjust digital trim for showtime.
Setting the high and low pass filters
When switched in, the high and low pass filters have two settings each, selectable via
their respective SLOPE button. These filters can also be set via the GUI.
>> To set a filter
1 In the gain trim section of an input fast strip (see Figure 4, “Gain and filters
sections of the input strip,” on page 69), press the quick access button. This
selects the input channel and assigns its configuration detail area to the GUI
channel strip (shown above), which contains the filters section.
2 In the filters section of the input channel strip, press the filter select button
(high pass or low pass ) to switch the filter in.
3 If necessary press the filter’s SLOPE button to set its slope (dB); its status is
shown on the GUI. For the high pass filter, in = 24dB and out = 12dB, and for the
low pass filter, in = 12dB and out = 6dB.
4 Adjust the high pass/low pass control knob to set filter frequency (Hz). The
ranges are 10Hz to 400Hz for the high pass filter and 2kHz to 40kHz for the low
pass filter.
Stage box hi pass — the remote stage box contains a 12dB/Oct 30Hz filter. It
is recommended that this is used at all times for optimum A/D performance.
However, it may be bypassed if extremely low frequency performance is
required, for example, when testing the system.