Operation Manual

Input equalisation (E zone) 71
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
Input equalisation (E zone)
Use EQ to equalise the input signal via the treble, hi-mid, lo-mid and bass filters, which
are in the input channel strip’s E zone. Treble and bass each have a parametric filter
option with three specific shelving modes. Visual feedback for EQ is via GUI screen
only, which also has a graphical representation of the filter.
>> To EQ the input signal
1 In the desired input fast strip, press EQ to switch the EQ in. This also selects the
channel and assigns the EQ detail area to the GUI channel strip.
2 Do one of the following to select the EQ band:
In the input fast strip, press the quick access button of the desired band.
In the E zone, press the treble/bass up/down arrow buttons until the
button/LED of the desired band is illuminated.
On the GUI the currently selected EQ band will have a light coloured background.
For example, treble in the above diagram.
3 In the E zone, adjust the freq, width and gain control knobs to apply EQ as
4 If you have selected treble or bass, press SHAPE
(E zone) to cycle through the different shelving modes so
that you can audition them. These are the ‘minimum
harmonic disruption’ types, which are only available for
treble (bright, classic and soft) and bass (deep, classic
and warm). For example, the bright shelving mode of
the treble band (shown right) as displayed on the GUI.
Alternatively, you can click the desired SHAPE button in the GUI channel strip.
Note: bright and deep use psychoacoustic phenomena to generate steep slopes that
sound natural. These filters are called “minimum harmonic disruption filters”.
Quick access
hi mid
lo mid