Operation Manual

Output processing 73
PRO2 Live Audio System
Owner’s Manual
6 Press MODE to try the different compressor types
(Corrective, Adaptive, Creative and Vintage). For
example, Creative (shown right).
>> To set up a gate
1 Select the desired input channel.
2 In the channel strip, press the quick access button in the gate section (see
Figure 5 “Compressor and gate channel strips” on page 72) to select the input
channel’s compressor detail area.
3 Press ON in the gate section to switch the gate in.
4 Operate the attack, ratio/range (range), release, threshold and hold control
knobs (make up has no effect) to apply processing. See “Gate” on page 254.
Output processing
All outputs — except for the returns — have a six-band PEQ with shelving modes on
bands 1, 2 and 6, and have the option of using a GEQ (accessed via a GEQ button in
GUI channel strip). The returns have a similar EQ to that of the inputs channels.
The outputs (except returns) have five compressor modes, which include all of the ones
on the input channels, but with the addition of a shimmer mode. The returns have the
same compressor modes as those of the input channels.