Operation Manual

92 Chapter 8: Patching
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Configuring the snake type
The snakes must be correctly configured before operating the control centre,
as it will not pass audio or control data if the snakes are not configured
You can connect the DL371 Audio System Engine to the control centre with either
copper or fibre-optic snakes. The control centre needs to be configured with this
information before operation can begin.
>> To configure the control centre with the snake type information
1 At the GUI, choose homePreferencesGeneral.
2 Under the Stage Link X heading, click the Fibre
or Copper option, according to whichever is
fitted to the X network. For example, click the
Fibre option (shown right). A selected option
will contain a red circle.
3 Do the same for the Y network, under the Stage
Link Y heading.
Setting up the I/O rack devices
You can add, remove and set up the devices, such as line I/Os, mic splitters, DN9696s
etc., that are in the Stage I/O and FOH I/O racks. This is done via the AES50 Device
Configuration window. Here, you can set up the device ID and also the type of cards
(modules) fitted to the physical unit. The options are context-sensitive, so some may
be blank, depending on the type of device.
Figure 14: Typical AES50 Device Configuration window
Item Description
1 List of Stage and FOH ports, showing current device assignments.
2 device type drop-down list, contains a list of the available devices to
choose from (see “About the devices on the stage and FOH I/O tabs” on
page 85).