Operation Manual

PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Chapter 17: Control Groups
PRO Series control groups comprise VCA/POP groups, auto-mute groups and talk
groups. This chapter explains the function of each group and shows you the areas on
the control surface and GUI that are used for their operation and management.
Many of the control group functions can be operated at either the control surface or
GUI. Each control group has its own area on the control surface from where its groups
can be set up and recalled, and there is a main option in the GUI menu (Control
Groups) from which you can open the Groups Sheet screen and the group-specific
screens. Using these screens, you can configure and operate the groups, and also
manage group membership.
VCA and POP groups
Using the VCA/POP group controls, you can bring selected channels to the control
surface for joint control. The VCA/POP group sections are situated at the bottom of the
mix bay. When a VCA/POP is selected, its members are unfolded to the input bays.
VCA and POP groups on the control surface and GUI
POP groups
page 178)
POP groups
(see page 178)
VCA groups
(see page 179)
VCA groups
page 179)