Operation Manual

282 Chapter 30: Inputs
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Input metering
The Meters screen (default view on the master bay GUI screen) shows all of the meters
all of the time.
Meters can be switched globally to monitor the raw A/D input point, and are also
individually switchable using the CHECK button in the gain trim section (see “Mic amp
input gain (preliminary input processing)” on page 286).
Input metering on the control surface and master bay GUI screen
Item Element Description
1 signal level meter 20-segment LED meter ‘cluster’. Defaults to monitor
pre-fader signal level. Meter range is +21dB to
-36dB, in 3dB increments.
2 gain reduction
Seven-segment LED meter monitors the amount of
gain reduction when using a compressor. Meter
range is 1dB to 20dB, in varying increments.
3 gate meter Seven-segment LED meter, monitors the amount of
gain reduction when using a gate. Meter range is 5dB
to 35dB, in 5dB increments.
4 PRE switch Global meter switch that switches all inputs to
monitor the raw A/D input point