Operation Manual

EQ (E zone) 299
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
EQ (E zone)
The input channel equaliser (EQ) is a four-band sweep parametric EQ (PEQ) that allows
tonal control of the input signal via the parametric EQ section, or E zone, in the input
channel strip. The four bands are treble, hi-mid, lo-mid and bass, with an additional
three shelving modes available for treble and bass. Any combination of the four bands
can be used to control the signal, although only one band can be adjusted in the E zone
at any time.
Each input fast strip contains the EQ on/off switch and quick access buttons for channel
and band selection.
The E zone contains all of the PEQ controls, along with a shelving mode selection button
and another set of band selection buttons.
EQ controls for the input channels on the control surface and GUI
Item Element Description
1 EQ switch Switches EQ on/off.
2 LEDs Red/blue EQ on/off status indicators, illuminate when
their associated band is contributing to the EQ’d
3 Up/down arrow
Band selection buttons, cycle through the bands,
changing selection in the E zone accordingly.
4 gain control knob Adjusts signal gain in the range -16dB to +16dB. On
the graph in the EQ processing area (GUI channel
strip), causes the envelope to move up/down.
5 width control knob Adjusts the signal bandwidth in the range 0.1 Oct to
3.0 Oct. On the graph in the EQ processing area (GUI
channel strip), causes the base of the envelope to
widen. (Not available for treble and bass shelving
E zone
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