Operation Manual

Dynamics and EQ 321
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
EQ (E zone)
For tonal control of the aux, matrix and master output signals, the output channel EQ
has the option of a six-band sweep parametric EQ (PEQ) or an assignable graphic EQ
The parametric EQ section (E zone) of the channel strip (mix and master bays) allows
tonal control of the input signal. The E zone contains all of the PEQ controls, along with
a shelving mode selection button and another set of band selection buttons.
All of the outputs, except returns, have six-band PEQs. Two of the six bands have three
shelving modes each, while another has just one. Any combination of the six bands can
be used to control the signal, although only one band can be adjusted in the E zone at
any time. However, the EQ processing area (GUI channel strip) displays four bands at
any time, and also has navigational controls.
The returns have a four-band PEQ, which is similar to that used on the inputs. For
information, see “EQ (E zone)” on page 299.
3 threshold control
Sets the signal level above which gain reduction
starts to be applied. Range is from -50dBu to
4 comp/gate
up/down select
These select buttons swap dynamic section control
from compressor to gate, and the reverse.
5 make up control
This compressor gain control compensates for the
reduced loudness of a compressed signal. Range is
from 0dB to 24dB.
6 KNEE switch This compressor control controls how compressor
starts to apply gain as the signal goes through the
threshold (see “Compressor graph” on page 292).
For more information, see Table “Compressor graph”
on page 292 and “Knee” on page 342.
7 ratio/range/
[ratio] control
This compressor control adjusts the amount of
compression applied to signals above threshold.
Range is from infinity () to 1:1. When set to
maximum (1:1), sets compressor to limiter mode.
8 attack control
This compressor control adjusts the time it takes the
compressor to respond after an over-threshold signal.
Range is from 0.2ms to 20ms (milliseconds).
9 MODE switch Selects compressor mode from the five compressor
types available (see “PRO Series compressor modes
(dynamic)” on page 341).
10 release control
This compressor control adjusts the time it takes the
compressor to recover after programme material falls
back below threshold. Range is from 0.05s to 3.00s
11 Meter Compressor ‘gain reduction’ meter.
Item Control Function