Operation Manual

336 Chapter 32: GUI Menu
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
GUI menu options
The GUI menu, which can be opened from either GUI screen, presents you with a main
list of options that open specific screens or submenus, as shown in the following table.
Option Description/function
Default Opens the default display applicable to the GUI screen you are
operating (see “GUI” on page 30). If the GUI screen has been
mapped to the other bay, its default screen will match that bay
(see “Mapping a GUI screen to another bay” on page 398).
Files Opens the Files screen (see “Managing show files on the Files
screen” on page 210).
Input Channels Input channel option, which opens a submenu with the following
Input Sheet — lets you configure all of the input channels
(see “Configuring the channels, groups and internal units” on
page 251).
1-8 through to nn-nn (depending on PRO Series Control
Centre) — click one to open its associated bank of inputs, or
its submenu. Each submenu contains the eight inputs
belonging to its bank; click on one to select its channel.
Mix & Outputs Output channel option, which opens a submenu with the
following options:
Output Sheet — lets you configure the output channels (see
“Configuring the channels, groups and internal units” on
page 251).
Output channel options — click one to open the associated
bank of outputs (returns, auxes, matrices or masters), or
open the submenu. Each submenu contains the outputs
belonging to its bank; click on one to select its channel.
Control Groups Control groups (VCA/POP, auto-mute and talk) option, which
opens a submenu with the following options:
Group Sheet — lets you configure each group (see
“Configuring the channels, groups and internal units” on
page 251).
VCA Groups — click to open the VCA Groups screen, or
open the submenu, which contains an option each for the 12
VCA groups and eight POP groups; click on one to select its
group. See “VCA and POP groups” on page 177.
Mute Groups — click to open the Mute Groups screen (see
Auto-mute (mute) groups” on page 180).
Talk Groups — click to open the Talk Groups screen (see
“Talk groups” on page 181).
Rack Units Internal units option, which opens a submenu with the following
Effects Sheet — lets you configure each ‘virtual’ GEQ and
internal effect rack unit (see “Configuring the channels,
groups and internal units” on page 251).
Graphic EQs — opens the Graphic EQs screen (see “About
the Graphic EQs screen” on page 158).
Effects — opens the Effects screen (see “Overview of the
internal effects” on page 163).