Operation Manual

344 Appendix A: Application Notes
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Operator Manual
noticeably delays these attacks, which can be particularly useful on drums where
compression can be applied to emphasise transients giving more punch while retaining
a good deal of artistic dynamic from the drummer.
The compressor normally sounds best with slower attack time settings, when it can be
used on difficult instruments, such as the acoustic guitar, with relatively fast release to
keep equal perceived loudness within a mix without producing excessive flutter or
Vintage mode (adaptive peak - bright)
This is a peak sensing compressor with a partially adaptive nature. It produces
extremely subtle attack and release curves during the onset of compression that are
largely independent of the envelope control settings. However, as it is driven harder,
that is, signals are further over-threshold, the attack and release times become more
aggressive and gradually return to manual control so that the operator can optimise the
capture (or otherwise) of larger transients etc. The peak sensing algorithm
intentionally increases harmonic overtones during compression, which adds a valve-like
brightness and sparkle to the programme, producing extremely natural and lively
sounding compression of acoustic instruments.
Shimmer mode (overshoot peak - slow) - output only
This is a peak sensing compressor with an exponential release and unusual second
order attack character that tends to overshoot.
If used sparingly, the compressor sounds very soft and natural, and can provide
additional control of material that already has a fairly low dynamic content. It can
sound very transparent on vocals where it retains a good degree of life in the
If used at higher ratios with slow attack and fast release times, the compressor can
produce a very soft, bouncy sound character.