Operation Manual

364 Appendix B: Technical Specification
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
PRO Series main processing functions
Main input channel functions
Input channel hi pass 10Hz to 400Hz swept in digital domain
Slope selectable 12dB/Oct or 24dB/Oct
Input channel lo pass 2kHz to 20kHz swept in digital domain
Slope selectable 6dB/Oct or 12dB/Oct
Input channel treble Parametric operation
Frequency 1kHz to 25kHz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
BW 0.1 Oct to 3 Oct
Shelf operation
Frequency 1kHz to 25kHz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
Soft, classic or bright (minimum harmonic
disruption) curves
Input channel hi mid Parametric operation
Frequency 320Hz to 8kHz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
BW 0.1 Oct to 3 Oct
Input channel lo mid Parametric operation
Frequency 80Hz to 2kHz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
BW 0.1 Oct to 3 Oct
Input channel bass Parametric operation
Frequency 16Hz to 400Hz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
BW 0.1 Oct to 3 Oct
Shelf operation
Frequency 16Hz to 400Hz swept
Gain +16dB to -16dB
Warm, classic or deep (minimum harmonic
disruption) curves
Input channel compressor Peak, linear, RMS and vintage modes
(Corrective, Adaptive, Creative and Vintage)
Threshold -50dBu to +20dBu
Attack 200µs to 20ms
Release 50ms to 3s
Ratio 25:1 to 1:1
Knee 4dB, 12dB or 40dB
Gain 0dB to +24dB
Side chain source selectable + filter
Frequency 50Hz to 15kHz swept
Bandwidth 1/3, 1 or 2 Oct