Operation Manual

384 Appendix E: I/O Modules
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
DL444 analogue D-type I/O module
The DL444 D-type I/O module provides a high density analogue I/Os in a compact
module. The module incorporates current limited (5mA maximum) and short circuit
protected LED outputs, which are independently driven to protect the module from
external wiring faults. Status of the module’s LEDs can be monitored remotely.
The DL444 D-type I/O module has eight channels of premium mic preamps and eight
channels of premium output stage via two standard 25-way, D-type connectors. The
mic preamp is in 2.5dB steps, which is similar to the Midas DL431 Mic Splitter, but
without the splitting capability.
Each of the eight inputs has a red LED to show the on/off status of its +48V phantom
voltage. Similarly, each output has an LED to show whether its mute is on/off. A third
25-way D-type connector lets you view the status of all 16 LEDs remotely.
DL444 module connectors
Item Description
1 Standard D-type connector.
2 outputs D-type socket. This socket connects to up to eight analogue
3 output mute LED. There are eight output mute LEDs, which show the
mute status of each of the eight analogue outputs.