Operation Manual

Using the PRO Series updater 411
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
>> To update your PRO Series Live Audio System with the latest version of
host software
1 Mute the PA at the amplifier/speaker. Refer to the WARNING at the beginning
of this section.
2 Insert the USB memory stick into the active USB socket of the PRO Series Control
Centre (see “Saving your show files to a USB memory stick” on page 123).
3 Depending on how many .tar files there are in the “DL3Upgrades” folder of the
USB memory stick, one of the following will happen:
One .tar file The “Run upgrade
utility?” window (shown right) will
More than one .tar file The
multiple upgrades window will open,
which contains the text: “Multiple
Upgrades found. Select the required
upgrade from the Preferences>
Upgrade menu”.
4 Do one of the following:
In the “Run upgrade utility?” window, click OK. (Clicking Cancel will cancel
the update procedure.)
In the multiple upgrades window,
click OK. Then, at the appropriate
GUI screen, choose
and click on the latest host software
.tar file (as shown right).
5 The updater will be launched, displaying
the following in the upper-left corner of
the screen.
The “PREPARING UPDATER” screen will open, and the status bar text will inform
you of the updater progress.
When the updater preparation has
finished (as shown right) the status bar
text will read “Select items for upgrade”.
6 Select the devices you want to update
by doing any of the following:
Select all It is most likely that you
will want to select all of the devices,
so click Select All.
Select a single device To select a
single device, click its device block.
Deselect a single device To
deselect a selected device, click its device block.
Deselect all To deselect all selected devices, click Remove All.