Operation Manual

PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
LCD select button: LCD button in the input fast
strips and VCA groups, used for channel/group
navigation and selection, and operator
LFE: Abbreviation for “low frequency effects”.
Typically, the “.1” in “5.1 surround” is an LFE
Linux: Also known asLinux kernel. Operating
system kernel used by a family of Unix-like
operating systems. See kernel.
LS: Abbreviation for “left surround”. The left
rear speaker in a 5.1 surround system.
MADI: Abbreviation for “multi-channel audio
digital interface”.
Master bay: Control area for masters,
automation, comms, monitoring etc. Also
contains the primary navigation zone.
Masters: The three master channels (mono and
stereo left and right) in the master bay.
MB: Abbreviation for “megabyte”.
MC: Abbreviation for “master controller”.
Meter: Visual device to indicate the level of a
Meters screen: One of the GUI screens. This is
the default screen of the master bay.
Mic: Abbreviation for “microphone”.
Microphone: Device for converting sound
waves into audio signals.
MIDI: Acronym for “musical instrument digital
interface”. A digital signal system standard that
facilitates integration of musical instruments,
such as synthesizers and guitars, with
Mix: 1. A signal that contains a combination of
signals, such as a pair of stereo signals with
numerous effects. 2. The act of creating such a
combination. 3. A type of bus. See Bus.
Mix bay: Control area for outputs and groups.
Mixer: 1. A console or other device that blends
input signals into composite signals for output.
2. An engineer/technician who carries this out,
especially during a live performance.
mm: Symbol for “millimetre” (one thousandth
of a metre).
MON: Abbreviation for “monitor”, used to
describe a control centre being used to mix the
signals sent to the stage monitor speakers.
Monitor: 1. Speaker(s) used for listening to a
mix or live audio. 2. The act of listening to a
mix or live audio.
Monitor A: Primary monitor bus system.
Monitor B: Secondary monitor bus system.
Monitors: Control area on the master bay for
monitoring the A and B signal paths.
Mono: A single signal.
Mute: Function that allows a channel’s signal to
be silenced.
Mute safe: Function that means a mute cannot
be controlled by scene recall or auto-mutes.
N/A: Abbreviation for “not applicable”.
nm: Symbol for nanometre (one billionth of a
Normalise: To boost the amplitude of a digital
sound so that it is as high as it can be without
clipping (0dB).
Normalisation: An automatic process whereby
the gain of all program material is adjusted so
that the peak level will just arrive at 0dB.
Normalised connection: Also known as
“normalled connection”. A connection that
allows a signal to pass through it when no plug
is inserted in it, but breaks the connection when
a plug is inserted.
Normalising: The process of making audio files
the same volume.
NVRAM: Abbreviation for “Non-volatile random
access memory”. this is the general name used
to describe any type of RAM that retains its
information when power is switched off. For
example, flash memory.
O/B: Abbreviation for “outside broadcast”.
Oct: Abbreviation for “octave”.
Octave: A difference in pitch where one tone
has a frequency that is double or half of the
frequency of another tone.
ohm (Ω): Unit of electrical resistance.
OpticalCon®: A cable connector for fibre optic
OS: Abbreviation for “operating system”.