Operation Manual

Common GUI screen elements 53
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
The GUI is operated via the primary navigation zone and is principally the same as
using a laptop PC, although you can operate either screen using an external USB mouse
instead (see “Using an external USB mouse” on page 244). A USB keyboard is plugged
into the PRO Series for text editing.
Each trackball controls the movement of a pointer on its respective GUI screen (see
Figure 9). The left trackball operates the mix bay GUI screen and the right one
operates the GUI screen in the master bay. Each trackball has two buttons, which have
similar functionality to the buttons on a PC/laptop mouse. The left button is used in
click and drag operations, while the right button is generally used for editing and finer
control operations.
Moving the pointer to a specific point of the GUI screen and pressing the left button is
called “clicking”. This is fundamental to GUI operation and forms the basis of many of
its operations, such as switching a button on/off, selecting list and menu items, text
editing etc. Doing the same with the right button is called “right-clicking”.
Moving the pointer to a specific point of the GUI screen and then pressing the left
button while moving the pointer up/down/left/right is called “dragging”. Dragging is
used mainly to adjust control knobs and faders, and to move sliders (attached to
drop-down lists)—although it is also used to select blocks of connectors when patching
(see “To select a block of patch connectors in the From section” on page 95). The
pointer disappears when the control has been selected to show that it is ready for
Common GUI screen elements
In general, you will see a banner at the top of both GUI screens that contains a number
of elements as follows:
Item Description
1 home button, opens the GUI main menu (see “GUI menu options” on
page 336).
2 Screen navigation buttons (see “To find a GUI screen that you recently
opened” on page 68).
3 Name of current screen.
4 “Not Saved” message appears when the currently selected scene/preset
library file has changes that have not been saved.
5 Title of currently selected scene.
6 status LED, indicates the health and status of the system (see
“Diagnostics” on page 393).
7 Copy and paste buttons (see “Using copy and paste” on page 118).
8 User library buttons (see “User library (presets)” on page 119).
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