Operation Manual

Operating the GUI screen controls 55
PRO Series Live Audio Systems
Owner’s Manual
Spin buttons
Up/down spin buttons let you increase/decrease the attribute or
value of an item. For example, the amount of time a signal is
delayed (see “Input channel delay (GUI only)” on page 284).
About windows
There are three main types of window you
will encounter when using the GUI, as
follows (an example of each is shown in the
diagram on the right):
Properties windows contain elements
that you can select or edit, such as
options, lists, tick boxes, text fields etc.
Message windows contain text that can
be a prompt or an error message.
Generally, this type of window will
contain an OK and a CANCEL button by
which you can acknowledge the
message or cancel the operation,
respectively. Also, some message
windows contain a user-editable text
field, as shown in the example (right).
List windows have a number of user-selectable options in the form of a list, and
some may also include an OK and a CANCEL button.
Similar to a window found on a PC running a Windows-based operating system,
windows can be moved around the screen, which is useful if you need to see what is
behind the window. Also, each window has a close (X) button at its upper-right corner.
>> To close a window
Do one of the following:
If the window has an OK button, and you have made the requisite changes in the
window or you wish to acknowledge its message, click OK.
If the window has a CLOSE button, click CLOSE. Changes made in this type of
window update the control centre ‘live’, that is, as soon as you make them, so
clicking CLOSE merely closes the window.
If the window has a CANCEL button, and you wish to cancel any changes or abort
the operation, click CANCEL.
Click “(X)” at the upper-right corner of the window.
>> To move a window
Use drag, first clicking on the window’s blue bar (top) and then dragging the window
where you want it.
List window
Message window