User's Manual

70-3350/5445 – User’s Manual
3) Press menu/ to access the sub-menu. SQUELCH will appear on the display, and a horizontal bar will show the level of
squelch intervention currently being used.
4) Hold down the
button until the background noise is continuous.
5) Now press the
button to gradually increase the level of squelch intervention, stopping as soon as the noise disappears.
6) Wait for a few seconds to ensure the noise has disappeared stably.
7) Exit the sub-menu by pressing the F4/E
SC button, then press it a second time to exit the main menu and return to the standby
Be careful not to set the squelch level too high: you may not be able to receive weak signals.
6.6 Monitor
The monitor function is mainly used for two purposes:
To allow for reception of extremely weak signals.
To temporarily disable the CTCSS/DCS and/or selective calling to allow you to listen to all communications on the tuned
channel, including those outside your network.
Each time the monitor function is activated, will appear on the display.
6.6.a Monitor from the menu
1) Press the menu/ button to access the command menu, then use the buttons to highlight Radio Param (radio
parameters) from the menu.
2) Press menu/ to view the sub-menus available and
until the Monitor sub-menu is highlighted.
3) Press menu/ to insert
beside Monitor. This indicates that the monitor function is active.
4) Exit the sub-menu by pressing the F4/E
SC button, then press it a second time to exit the main menu and return to the standby
6.6.b Monitor using the microphone
If the monitor function has been activated (hang-up), you will activate it each time you remove the microphone from
its mount.
6.7 Transmission
1) Remove the microphone from its mount.
2) Ensure the channel is unoccupied (otherwise you will create interference), and verify the status LED is off or flashing orange.
3) Hold down the push to talk (PTT) button on the hand-held microphone. The status LED [8] to the right of the display will light
up in red to confirm that you are transmitting.
4) Speak in a normal voice approximately 5 – 10cm from the microphone.
5) Release the PTT at the end of the call, ensuring the status LED is no longer lit.
6) At the end of the conversation, hang the microphone back up on its mount.
Begin speaking only after having pressed the PTT button and do not release it until you have finished speaking, otherwise all
or part of your message will not be transmitted.
Do not yell! This does not increase the distance of transmission; rather, your words come across as distorted.
Normally, a transceiver will not allow you to send and receive simultaneously, so when you are speaking, others will not be
able to do so. Send your message within a reasonable time period so as not to occupy the channel for very long.
Consult the following paragraphs for information on correct transmission.
6.7.a Time Out Timer (TOT)
The radio can be programmed with an internal TOT (Time Out Timer), which automatically forces your radio into
reception mode if you have been speaking for too long (time for this is determined in the programming phase). If
this happens, release the transmission button and wait for a few seconds: the transmission functions of the radio will
be automatically restored. For further information, contact your vendor or network administrator.
Rev. 0.1 on 27 December 2004 Page 14 of 32