User's Manual

70-3350/5445 – User’s Manual
9.1 Reception
In this operating mode, your radio is programmed so that the audio is activated only when receiving a correct
CTCSS/DCS and/or selective call signal.
The audio will thus remain silent until you receive a correct CTCSS tone, a correct DCS code, and/or a valid
selective call.
If a correct CTCSS/DCS signal is received, the status LED will light up in orange for the duration of signal reception, and the
icon will appear on the display.
If a valid selective calling signal is received, the status LED will flash orange and the icon will appear on the display.
If a signal is received but does not contain the correct tone/code, the audio will remain deactivated and the LED will
appear green.
Depending on the radio’s programming, it may be possible to temporarily deactivate CTCSS/DCS and Selective call to
monitor radio traffic (monitor function). For further details, refer to par. 6.6.
9.2 Transmission
9.2.a CTCSS/DCS Transmission
If your transceiver has been programmed to transmit a CTCSS tone or a DCS code, you don’t have to do anything.
The CTCSS tone or DCS code are automatically sent each time you transmit (the device will not show this status).
9.2.b Sending a selective call
Depending on the programming, your transceiver may be able to send up to four selective calls:
Call 1 – first selective call (fixed)
Call 2 – second selective call (fixed)
User – variable selective call; the variable digits can be keyed into the MK06/35-K keypad microphone (refer to. par.
Emergency – selective call for emergencies (special call sent repeatedly, and defined during the programming
Rapid send of selective calls
Your transceiver can be programmed to send certain selective calls using one or more of the F1, F2, F3 and F4/ESC
function keys or using the command menu. Also, the Emergency selective call can be activated via a suitable
contact on the rear Input/Output socket. For further details, refer to Chapt. 13.
To emit a fixed selective call using the function keys:
Ensure the channel is unoccupied by checking that the status LED is off (or flashing orange).
2) Press the F1, F2, F3 or F4/E
SC key that corresponds to the call you wish to send. The call will be sent automatically, the
status LED will be lit in red, and the display will simultaneously show the selective address corresponding to the button
When you follow the operation outlined in step 2, the device will automatically go into transmission mode (status LED lit in
red); therefore, you do not need to press the PTT transmission button on the hand-held microphone.
Sending a fixed selective call from the menu
Ensure the channel is unoccupied by checking that the status LED is off or flashing orange.
2) Press the menu/ button to access the command menu, then use the
buttons to highlight the Calls option.
3) Press menu/ to view the selective calls available:
Call1 – fixed call 1
Call2 – fixed call 2
User Call (variable selective call)
Emergency (emergency call)
Rev. 0.1 on 27 December 2004 Page 22 of 32