Operation Manual

5. “Squelch” Control: for the maximum receiver sensitivity, the control must be
regulated exactly where the receiver background noise disappears.
6. “RF” (Radio Frequency) Gain Control: it controls the reception sensitivity. To
increase sensitivity, simply turn it clockwise. Sensitivity decreases turning it coun-
terclockwise. Low sensitivity is useful when very strong signals are present in
the band.
7. “Mic (Microphone) Gain Control”: in TX mode, it controls the microphone
amplification. To get the best results, use the microphone and set the optimum
position for both the distance from your mouth and for the amplification level,
asking your partner when the modulation comes out better.
8. “M1-M2-M3-M4” buttons: These buttons allow the storing and recalling of 4 pre-
selected channels. How to store: select the desired channel and press M1 for at
least 3 sec to store the choosen channel in the M1 memory. Repeat these steps
to memorise the other presets.
9. EMG button: Emergency channel. By pressing it, the unit will be automatically
positioned on CH 9 (emergency channel). The display will show “EMG”. It will not
be possibile to accidentally change the channel.
10/11. “Q. UP-Q. DOWN” buttons: To skip 10 channels up (Q. UP) or 10 channels
down (Q. DOWN).
12. ’’CB/PA Selector. In the “CB” position, the unit operates as a transceiver. You
can use the PA (public address) function only if you connect a speaker to the PA
jack. In this case the ‘’Volume’’ knob controls the amplification level.
13. ‘’ANL/OFF’’ Selector. In the ‘’ANL’’ position it activates an automatic noise limiter
for the impulsive noises (caused by the engine of the car or other sources).
14. "Local/DX" Selector ”Local” position: to receive strong signal only.”DX” position:
to receive weak signals.
15. “AM/FM”(LCR) button: To select AM or FM mode. If you push it along with the
“SCAN” button at the switching on of the radio, it selects the operating band,
which will be displayed. If you select a frequency band operating in FM mode
only, this button enables the LCR function (Last Channel Recall).
16. “SCAN” button: with this control, you can automatically seek for a busy channel.
Turn the Squelch clockwise until the background noise is no longer heard.
Press the ‘’SCAN’’ button: the transceiver will scan automatically all the channels
until a carrier is being received. If you push it along with the “AM/FM” button at the
switching on of the radio, it selects the operating band, which will be displayed.
17. DW button: This feature allows you to scan 2 channels of your choice. When
a signal on the second channel is picked up, the conversation on the first is
automatically interrupted and the receiver switches on the second channel. The
monitoring starts again 4 seconds after the carrier disappears.
To activate this function, operate as follows:
a. Select the desired channel through the channel selector.
b. Press the “DW” button (DW blinks on the display).
c. Select the second channel.
d. Push the “DW” button again: the reading DW will remain fixed.
e. To disable this function, press the “DW” control.