Operation Manual

6 And now, let’s communicate!
And now, let’s communicate!
1. Rotate the VOL knob clockwise. The radio will run a rapid autotest at the
end of which an audible “tone” will indicate that the radio is operational.
2. The display will show the current operating mode.
3. The current operating mode will be saved automatically within 0.5
seconds of any change made by the user.
4. Note: The following icons will be displayed depending on the operating
• “Low” refers to output power/nothing stays for high.
“•” indicates that the channel is in the scan list.
•“P” is displayed when the channel has priority in the scan list.
“SAT” indicates that the channel has been programmed for CTCSS/DCS
“”indicates battery level (blinking when the battery is low).
“VOX” is displayed when the VOX facility has been selected.
“” is displayed when the keypad is locked.Only the PTT button is
To switch the radio off rotate the VOL knob counter-clockwise until a click
is heard.
Turn the knob clockwise to increase the volume, counter-clockwise to reduce
the volume.
To select a channel:
Press the key to increase the channel number or the key to
decrease the channel number.
1. Check that the channel is not busy (status LED is not glowing). Do not
press the PTT button if someone else is speaking as both messages will
be lost.
2. Press the PTT button, the status LED will now glow red.
3. Hold the radio about 5-10cm away from your face and speak at a normal
volume across the front of the radio.
Keep the PTT button pressed for the duration of your speech.
4. Release the PTT button when you have finished speaking.
Note: Shouting into the microphone will not increase your range but will
cause an increase in distortion.
Note: Releasing the PTT button before you have finished speaking will result
in your message being lost.
Your ALAN HP 446 extrá can operate in two modalities:
• OPEN CHANNEL : all signals transmitted on the selected channel will be
heard. The status LED will glow green.
: CTCSS and DCS tones are “access
tones” that allow you to receive only calls from parties using same chan-
nel and code.
The status LED will glow green when signals with the correct
CTCSS/DCS code are received, it will glow amber if signals with the
incorrect CTCSS/DCS code are received.
Istr. HP446 rev.1 - UK 20-07-2001 16:35 Pagina 6