Operation Manual

properly adjusted and matched to your transceiver. The built-in SWR (standing wave
ratio) meter lets you easily measure your operating antenna conditions. To operate
this function, connect your antenna to the output connector. Select a channel near the
middle of the band such as 21 or the channel you plan to use most frequently. Set the
16 switch on the SWR position, and the 14 switch on the SWR CAL position. Press and
hold the microphone push-to-talk button and using the SWR CAL control, adjust the
meter indicator on the CAL position. Then, without releasing the P.T.T. button, set the 14
switch on the OFF position and read the SWR indicated. The number 1 should be the
ideal value. Generally speaking, readings up to 3 are acceptable, but over 3 indicates
that you are losing radiated power and antenna adjustment may be necessary.
6. RF POWER CONTROL (outer dual concentric). This control enables you to adjust
the RF output power continuously over the range of 1 watt through 4 watts (SSB).
7. RX INDICATOR. This indicator will be illuminated when the unit has been set in RX
8. TX INDICATOR. This indicator will be illuminated when the unit has been set in TX
9. CHANNEL SELECTOR. This switch selects anyone of the forty Citizens Band channels
desired. The selected channel appears on the LED readout directly above the Channel
Selector knob.
11. MODE (FM/AM/USB/LSB) SWITCH. This switch is used to select the LSB, USB,
AM, FM mode of operation. Unless the station with which communication is desired is
equipped with SSB, the AM or FM mode is normally used. The mode switch changes the
mode of operation of both transmitter and receiver simultaneously. Turn to‘’Receiving
SSB signals’’ for a further explanation of single sideband.
12. CLARIFIER. This control allows variation of the receiver operating frequencies above
and below the assigned frequency. Although this control is inteded primarily to tune in
SSB signals, it may be used to optimize AM/FM signals as described in the Operating
Procedure paragraphs. Coarse operates both TX/RX but Fine only in RX.
13. MODE/OFF SWITCH. In MOD. position, the meter will show the modulation percentage,
while in OFF position it will show the RF output power.
14. SWR CAL/OFF SWITCH. This control, when in SWR/CAL position, is used to tune the
15. ROGER BEEP SWITCH. When this switch is placed in the ROGER BEEP position,
your radio automatically transmits the audio signal at the end of your transmission. The
listener can note easily your transmission is over through the signal.
16. S-RF/SWR SWITCH. When set in S-RF position, the meter in RX mode shows the
intensity of the received signal; during TX mode it shows the output power. In SWR
position, it allows to measure the SWR value after tuning.
17. ECHO SWITCH (OPTIONAL). Set this switch to ECHO when you desired to add an
ECHO effect to your transmitting voice. This switch has no effect on receiving.
18. NB/ANL-OFF SWITCH. In NB/ANL position, it activates the automatic noise limiter
and operates as a lter; in OFF position it deactivates the function.
19. FREQ-CHANNEL SWITCH. In FREQ position, this control activates the frequency
meter; in CHANNEL position, the 2 digits indicate the selected channel.
21. DISPLAY FREQUENCY METER. It shows the operating frequency and the selected
22. INDICATOR. This meter indicates the received signal strength, the SWR level, the
transmitter RF output power, the TX modulation percentage; furthermore it allows the
SWR-meter tuning.