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Our Story
Project Planning Made Easy!
Design your project and see it in 3D
Detailed materials list lets you purchase from anywhere
Pick up blocks at your local store, block plant, or set up delivery to your home
Check out literature, instructions, and videos to help you through your project
concrete landscape block projects on
Proudly located throughout the Midwest, we live our lives outdoors just as much as we do inside.
We see the products we make transform the landscapes, communities, and the lives of those around
us. We see our products used to make patios, walls, driveways, backyard projects and more. They are
beautifully designed to transform your space and durable enough to withstand whatever life throws their
way, no matter the season. After all, the outdoors are meant to be enjoyed year round,
year-after-year. So, whether you choose to do the work yourself or to hire a professional, we are here for
you. We're here to help you find inspiration, design your dreams, and to make the whole process easier.
We understand that a boost in curb appeal can mean a boost in confidence, that memories are made
around the backyard fire pit, and that the space of your dreams should be outside, not out of reach.