Product manual

Gourmet Center
Italian Bread
Yields: 2 Loaves
Ingredients for dough
4 3/4 cups + 3 T (25.4 oz) Bread Flour
1 cup (6 oz) Extra Fancy Semolina Flour
(fine grain)
2 cups (1 lb) Water, lukewarm
1 T Sugar
1 T Instant Yeast
1/4 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 T Salt
Ingredients for sprinkling
Sesame Seeds, untoasted
Mix the dry ingredients together in the
bowl of a standup mixer (exclude the
sesame seeds). Make sure yeast and
salt do not come into direct contact.
With a paddle attachment, slowly
incorporate the wet ingredients until
Switch to a dough hook and knead for
10 minutes.
Place on a lightly floured counter top.
Shape into a ball, cover with plastic
wrap and proof for 1 1/2 hours.
Divide the dough into two pieces.
Shape into two loafs that are about a
14 inches long, 2 inches wide and
come to a point at both ends. Place
dough on universal tray and cover with
plastic wrap. Proof for another
20 minutes.
Score dough 3 times, lightly brush with
water and sprinkle with sesame seed
Place in oven and select the
MasterChef Plus program for Italian
Follow the directions in the display.
Gourmet Center \ MasterChef plus \ Bread
\ Italian Bread
Level: see display
Program duration: approx. 70 minutes