Operating and Installation Instructions

Steam cooking
The cooking times given in the chart are guidelines only. We recommend selecting
the shorter cooking time to start, additional time can be added if necessary.
Meat [min]
Shank, covered with water 110–120
Pork knuckle 135–140
Chicken breast filet 8–10
Leg (Joint) 105–115
Prime rib, covered with water 110–120
Veal strips 3–4
Smoked pork chops 6–8
Lamb stew 12–16
Spring chicken 60–70
Roulade of turkey 12–15
Turkey breast 4–6
Cross rib, covered with water 130–140
Beef stew 105–115
Whole chicken, covered with water 80–90
Boiled beef 110–120
Cooking duration