
Cleaning and care
Rinsing the appliance
You can rinse the water and coffee
pipework of the coffee machine
If coffee has been dispensed, the
coffee machine will rinse the coffee
pipework automatically before
switching off. This removes any
residual coffee grounds.
Select Maintenance and tapOK.
Select Rinse appliance and tapOK.
The pipework will be rinsed.
You may also be prompted to insert the
end of the milk pipe into the drip tray.
Rinsing the milk pipework
Milk residues can block the milk
pipework. The milk pipework should
therefore be rinsed regularly. If a drink
has been made using milk, the prompt
to insert the end of the milk pipe into
the drip tray will appear at the latest
when you switch the machine off.
You can also rinse the milk pipework
SelectMaintenance and tapOK.
SelectRinse milk pipework and tapOK.
When prompted, place the end of the
milk pipe into the right-hand aperture
in the drip tray.
The milk pipework will now be rinsed.