
Touch display
The touch display can be scratched by pointed or sharp objects, e.g. pens and
Only touch the touch display with your fingers.
Touching the display with your finger emits a small electrical charge which in turn
triggers an electrical pulse that is detected by the surface of the touch display. The
touch display does not react when you touch it with objects.
If your fingers are cold, the touch display may not react.
The touch display is divided into three areas.
Lungo Coffee
Latte Macchiato
Edit Profiles
DrinksMain Menu
The top row shows you where you are, with the menu you are in highlighted in
white. You can call the respective menu by tapping the desired menu name. The
time of day is shown at the right.
The middle section shows the current menu and menu items. You can scroll to the
right or left by swiping your finger across the display.
The and arrows at the bottom of the screen are used for scrolling to the left or
The number of small squares between the arrows indicates the number of pages
available and your position within the current menu.