
Dispenser adjustment
The height of the main dispenser can-
not be manually adjusted.
The coffee system automatically de-
tects the height of the cup or glass un-
derneath the main dispenser. When a
drink is requested, the main dispenser
moves into the correct position before
the drink is prepared.
Make sure that you do not leave a
spoon or other utensil in the cup
as the height of the cup will be incor-
rectly determined.
Height adjustment can be turned off. If
it is switched off, the main dispenser
will remain in the highest position as
long as the coffee system is turned on.
When maintenance programs are being
carried out, the main dispenser moves
to a maintenance position or changes
position according to the height of the
vessel being used.
When the coffee system is turned off,
the main dispenser is located at a
medium height.
Turning the dispenser adjust-
ment on and off
TheDrinks menu is displayed.
Tap Main Menu or Back.
Tap  Settings.
Swipe across the screen and select
Dispenser adjustment.
Tap the required setting to turn dis-
penser adjustment on or off.
Tap OK.
The setting is now saved.