Operating and Installation Instructions

Type of Meat Operating Mode Stage Temp.
in °F / °C
Level in %
Duration in
(Roast with
Moisture), rare*
Combi Steam with Broil 1 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Broil 2 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Surround 3 140 / 60 0 30
Combi Steam with Surround 4 140 / 60 49 31
(Roast with
Moisture) ,
Combi Steam with Broil 1 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Broil 2 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Surround 3 212 / 100 0 20
Combi Steam with Surround 4 150 / 65 49 60
Combi Steam with Surround 5 160 / 70 51 60
(Roast with
Moisture), well
Combi Steam with Broil 1 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Broil 2 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Surround 3 212 / 100 0 20
Combi Steam with Surround 4 150 / 65 49 60
Combi Steam with Surround 5 194 / 90 68 135
Convection Broil 6 395 / 200 - 8
Roulades* Combi Steam with Broil 1 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Broil 2 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Surround 3 212 / 100 84 120
Pot Roast* Combi Steam with Broil 1 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Broil 2 Level 3 0 10
Combi Steam with Surround 3 212 / 100 84 205
Tenderloin Convection Broil 395 / 200 - -
Smoked Pork
Combi Steam with
Convection Bake
1 395 / 200 0 30
Combi Steam with
Convection Bake
2 265 / 130 100 -
Crispy Pork Combi Steam with
Convection Bake
1 440 / 225 54 40
Combi Steam with Surround 2 212 / 100 84 30
Convection Broil 3 330-365 /
- 20-25
Pork Loin Combi Steam with Surround 1 355 / 180 50 30
Combi Steam with Surround 2 265 / 130 30 -