Technical information

Technical Information
G1000 / G2000 Dishwashers
Function Programming Display
Pos. 27:
Machine height
Use the cursor buttons as
appropriate to select Appliance
height, then press the OK button.
Use the cursor buttons to make the
desired setting.
The display shows the options
Normal (G 1xxx) and XXL
Pos. 28:
Country variant
Use the cursor buttons as
appropriate to select Country
version, then press the OK button.
Use the cursor buttons to make the
desired setting.
Setting options: EUR = Europe,
AUS = Australia, USA, JPN =
Japan, I/E = Italy/Spain, SER =
Southern Europe
Pos. 29: Model
variant setting
Use the cursor buttons as
appropriate to select Model type,
then press the OK button. Use the
cursor buttons to make the desired
On models with salt container in
the door (SIT) (G x7xx), this
option must be set to 0. If the
dishwasher does not have a
salt container in the door (SIT),
1 must be selected.
Table 6-48: G2630 Programming Mode Options (Continued on Table 6-47)
From software version ID no. 984, the display has been changed from Tab type
to Detergent type.
The display is switched off after approx. 10 min. in order to save energy if,
during this period, no control has been activated.
If the electronic unit is exchanged during service work, it must be programmed
as follows: First set the country variant and model variant, then switch off the
unit, repeat the accessing procedure and set the machine height.
The SER variant includes the following countries: Portugal, France, Netherlands,
Belgium and Great Britain.
When this option is active, an audible signal operates at the end of the program
(5 signals repeated after a short pause) and if a fault is registered (single
continuous signal).
If Permitted is selected, locking during operation is possible. However, locking
can only be carried out after a program has been started, see the appropriate
operating instructions.
Save and quit
1. Press the OK button
2. Switch off the unit.