Operating instructions

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8041 — 32 —
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Überschri ften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/3. Ebene/M - O/Media-Pl ayer @ 34\mod_13617947 50011_15.docx @ 283131 @ 3 @ 1
5.3.3 Media Player
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Bedienung/K NX/KNX-Aktorik/Comfor tPanel 3.0/Bedienu ngsanleitung/Er läuterung der Funktionen/ Media-PlayerMedia- Player @ 40\mod_14187 27612907_15.docx @ 309596 @ @ 1
The Media Player serves for the playback of audio and video data, as well as Internet radio streams and Internet
TV streams.
Both music data (MP3, AAC, WAV) and films (MPG MPEG, MP4, AVI) can be replayed directly,
unless they are copy protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management).
Press the "Media Player" icon in the navigation bar to access the Media Player.
Via the directory you can select whether you wish to read in audio or video data via USB stick or SD card. Here
you can also open the lists of the Web radio stations and Web TV.
An example of how to start a radio station is shown in the following. An entry must be selected in the options list
on the left side. Only then can the play button on the right-hand side be activated. The replay starts immediately.