Operating instructions

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8041 — 38 —
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Überschri ften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/3. Ebene/S - T/Sprac hnachrichten @ 34\mod_1361 795169543_15.doc x @ 283162 @ 3 @ 1
5.3.5 Voice messages
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Bedienung/K NX/KNX-Aktorik/Comfor tPanel 3.0/Bedienu ngsanleitung/Er läuterung der Funktionen/ Sprachnachric htSprachnachric hten @ 40\mod_1418729614462_15. docx @ 309705 @ @ 1
The "Voice messages" function serves for recording and playback of voice messages. They are recorded with the
integrated microphone and can therefore be played back later.
1. Press the "Voice messages" icon in the navigation bar to access the function.
2. Press "New message" to record a new voice message.
3. Now select "rec" (red dot) and speak into the integrated microphone. If you are finished inside a period of 60
seconds, press "OK". Otherwise the recording is automatically terminated after 60 seconds.
4. You can interrupt and restart the recoding at any time by again pressing "rec" (white square) and then
selecting "Start" ().