Operating instructions

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8041 — 40 —
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Onli ne-Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Überschri ften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/3. Ebene/A - F/E-Mail @ 34\mod_13 61795591795_15.doc x @ 283179 @ 3 @ 1
5.3.6 E-mail
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Bedienung/K NX/KNX-Aktorik/Comfor tPanel 3.0/Bedien ungsanleitung/ Erläuterung der Funktion en/E-Mail/E-Mai l @ 34\mod_1361793768626_ 15.docx @ 282587 @ @ 1
E-mails can be displayed without the need for a separate computer. E-mails can be easily answered via a graphic
or voice message.
1. Press the "E-mail" icon in the navigation bar to access the function.
The list of e-mails received with a blue dot indicates new ones that have not yet been read. E-mails that have
been read are marked with a light blue dot.
2. Press an entry to open the e-mail.
An update of the PO box can be made via the following icon.
An icon appears in the status bar which indicates that a new e-mail has arrived.
3. Press an entry to open the e-mail.
4. Answer e-mails direct via voice or image messages.