Operating instructions

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8041 — 48 —
Specify the validity via the selection on the right-hand side.
Property Description
Always The weekly program is continuous.
When on holiday The weekly program runs only within the specified holiday interval.
When not on holiday The weekly program stops within the specified holiday interval.
Switch the displayed values on and off via ON / Off.
4. Adjust the start times via "Set start time".
5. Select the day(s) in the upper bar.
6. Set the start time.
- By setting a tick you can also specify whether the Astro function is to be activated.
- The Astro function can, for example, be used to automatically raise or lower blinds a few minutes earlier
or later each day in dependence of the annual season. A blocking function with "Not before" and "Not
after" fixes the blocking times before or after which no functions are carried out. For this, a tick must have
been set in the blocking function.
7. Touch the "Hours" or "Minutes".
- The setting is made via -/+.
8. Press "OK".
- You return to the overview of processes.
The weekly programs can also be changed during the running time via the system settings (see
also chapter 5.4.18 "System settings"). For example, when the holiday ends one day earlier the
weekly program can be terminated accordingly.
Pos: 15.6.18 /Layout bi s 2014-11-11/Onlin e-Dokumentation (+K NX)/Steuermodule - Online- Dokumentation (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/++++++++++++ Seitenumbruch ++++++++++++ @ 9\mod_126889866 8093_0.docx @ 52149 @ @ 1