Operating instructions

Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions | 1473-1-8041 — 58 —
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Onli ne-Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Überschri ften (--> Für alle Dokumente <--)/3. Ebene/U - Z/Wecker @ 34\mod_1361 799585005_15.doc x @ 283365 @ 3 @ 1
5.4.7 Alarm clock
Pos: /Lay out bis 2014-11-11/Online- Dokumentation ( +KNX)/Bedienung/K NX/KNX-Aktorik/Comfor tPanel 3.0/Bedien ungsanleitung/ Erläuterung der Funktion en/WeckerWecker @ 40\mod_1418732689320_15. docx @ 309753 @ @ 1
Specific weekday times can be set for activating a specific scene for waking up (e.g. starting the Media Player
with one’s favourite music).
It is also possible to set a scene to precede the alarm, to prepare the home environment for its occupants prior to
rising (the heating, for example, is switched on already one hour before to the alarm clock).
This allows a scene or a sequence to be started for the lead-in time (specific time set before alarm time), for
alarm time, at activation of "Snooze" and switching off the alarm clock.
1. Press the "Alarm clock" icon in the navigation bar to access the function.
The overview displays the available alarm clock for each weekday. Here the alarm clock can be set
2. Touch the "Hours" or "Minutes".
The setting is made via -/+. It is activated by setting a tick next to the weekday. You can set a tick on "All" to
activate all days. If you do not wish to be woken the next day, set a tick at "Not tomorrow".
3. Activate the the scenes assigned to the alarm clocks with "Activate scene".