Owner's Manual

dren should not be left alone or unattended in an area where
an oven is in use. Never allow children to operate, sit or stand on
any part of the oven. Caution: Do not store items of interest to
children in cabinets above an oven. Children climbing on the oven to
reach these items could be injured.
Burn Hazar
d - Do not allow children to use the oven.
As w
ith any appliance, close supervision is necessary when used
by children.
r of suffocation! Ensure that any plastic wrappings, bags,
etc. are disposed of safely and kept out of the reach of children.
Danger of burns. The oven gets hot at the oven door glass, the
vapor vent, the handle and the oper
ating controls. Do not allow
children to touch or play in, on or near the oven.
Technical safety
This applianc
e must be installed and connected in compliance
with the installation instructions.
n, repair and maintenance work should be performed by
a Miele authorized service technician in accordance with national
and local safety regulations and the provided installation
instructions. Contact Miele’s Technical Service Department for
examination, repair or adjustment. Repairs and other work by
unauthorized persons could be dangerous and may void the
enance by the user: Never repair or replace any part of the
appliance unless the instructions specifically recommend doing so.
Service work may only be performed by a qualified technician.
e installing the oven, check for externally visible damage. Do
not operate a damaged appliance.